Monday, June 16, 2014

Day + 67 Heading "Back in"

Today we are being admitted into inpatient in preparation for surgery tomorrow. Sam will have a lower and upper endoscopy done with biopsies taken from her esophagus, stomach, intestines, and colon. Her diarrhea has persisted for weeks and we are looking for answers and to help ease her discomfort. She will remain for at least one or two nights in the hospital to monitor internal bleeding risk etc,

If it is graft vs. host, we will have to increase her steroids and cyclosporine significantly. In addition to the awful side effects this brings, it also runs the risk of "awakening" the ebv virus that is in her system which can wreak havoc on transplant patients. We are hopeful for answers but would prefer something easily treatable another way.

Our attitude going in this time is "let's just get this over with!" As I mentioned in previous posts, I think this will now be the 8th time we are "putting her under" since February 1st and each time she has a more traumatic reaction to the process. Unfortunately in our experience, efficiency is not always a hospital's strength so "get in and get out" as quick as possible attitudes often lead to headaches and frustration. Will be doing a lot of deep breathing over the next 48 hours and will advocate as much as possible for things to help sweet Sam stay as comforted as possible. Some docs/ nurses have a gift of knowing just because you are their 10th patient of the day, doesn't mean you need to feel that way.... Others, not so much:)

So, here we go again... Hoping for answers... And not scary ones please...


  1. Oh man. Your family deserves to get a break and some easier answers for once. We're praying for you. Give that warrior princess a cuddle for me. XOXO

  2. Hope today's surgery is a success and Sam tolerates it well. Wishing continued patience and strength for you all as you endure the bumpy road and get your answers. And may those be only good. Your family deserves only good things from here until forever. Deep breathing is good. XOXOXOX
